Cancellation Policy

Cancellation policy


Fees are calculated on an hourly basis by Tutology®, according to the times stipulated in the contract. In the case where a Student arrives late for a lesson, no adjustment of fees will be made for the time lost and no additional time will be added to the lesson.

One-to-one Tutoring (1-2-1)

The Tutor agrees to wait 30 minutes from the time of the scheduled session for the Student’s arrival before considering that session cancelled by the Student without sufficient prior notice. Hence, the Client/Student will be charged the full hourly rate of the lesson, which will exclude any promotional/discounted offers.

Small Group Tutoring (Group 2-4 Students)

The Tutor will begin the lesson promptly at the scheduled time and cannot delay the start of the lesson for Students that arrive late. 

In the case where a Tutor arrives late for a lesson, the Client/Student will be provided with a lesson extension to account for the lost time. The extended time shall either be added to the lesson in question OR carried over to the next lesson, as agreed upon in advance by all parties. 


One-to-one Tutoring (1-2-1)

Tutology® operates a 48-hour cancellation notice for one-to-one classes. In the event where a Client/Student cannot attend a scheduled lesson, Tutology® must be given at least 48 hours prior notice to avoid incurring costs.
The Client must cancel the scheduled lesson by email at

If a Client/Student fails to inform Tutology® of a cancellation within the specified period, or a lesson is unattended by the Client/ Student, then the Client/Student will be charged the full hourly rate of the lesson, which will exclude any promotional/discounted offers.

Where the Client/Student provides adequate notice, then a make-up lesson must be confirmed within 7 days of the cancelled lesson.

All make-up lessons must be completed within a 30-day period. Make-up lessons cannot be carried forward past the 30-day period.

Small Group Tutoring (Group 2-4 Students)

Tutology® operates a 48-hour cancellation notice for group classes. In the event where a Client/Student cannot attend a scheduled lesson, Tutology® must be given at least 48 hours prior notice.

The Client must cancel the scheduled lesson by email at

Cancelled lessons are charged at a rate of £5 per hour and students will receive access to  a recording of the missed lesson. If a Student is unable to attend a scheduled lesson, then it is the Student’s responsibility to ensure all classwork and homework is completed prior to their next scheduled lesson, in order to avoid falling behind with the class. 

If a Student requires additional tuition hours (one-to-one) to complete the weeks’ work, then these will be charged at the one-to-one hourly rate.

If a Client/Student fails to inform Tutology® of a cancellation within the specified period, or a lesson is unattended by the Client/ Student, then the Client/Student will be charged the full hourly rate of the lesson, which will exclude any promotional/discounted offers.


A Tutor may cancel a lesson by providing the Client/Student with 48 hours prior notice where pre-paid fees will not be refunded.

Where lessons are pre-paid, the Tutor will reschedule the lesson within 7 days, at a time suitable to both parties.

In extremely rare cases where a Tutor cancels without the given notice period provided, the Client/Student will be issued a full refund of their pre-paid fees or standard hourly rate as set out in their Fee Schedule.


If a Tutor, for any reason, must stop tuition mid-course, Tutology® will endeavour to replace that Tutor as soon as possible, subject to availability, to minimise disruption to the Student’s progress.


Tutology® and their tutors are not liable for any delays or disruptions caused by technical difficulties of whatever nature at the Student’s home or their location for the lessons. Tutology® will not be required to make up any time lost through such incidents.

During the lesson, if there are delays or disruptions caused by technical difficulties of whatever nature at the Tutor’s location, then the tutor will endeavour to extend the lesson to account for any lost time.